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Talikeijo, a Mild Tallow Resin Cream 120 ml


This tallow cream smells mildly of resin. It deeply moisturizes, nourishes and cares for the skin of the face, hands and the whole body - regardless of skin type or age. Talikeijo cream raises Finnish skin care back to a traditional level, where the skin gets the fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins it needs in all its simplicity without artificial ingredients. Talikeijo gets its fresh forest scent from Finnish spruce resin.

  • Contains 100% Finnish grass fed organic beef tallow, MCT oil and 6% spruce resin.
  • Tallow has a skin-identical fatty acid profile.
  • Tallow contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K and E needed by the skin in a natural form.
  • Tallow balances the skin's own sebum production and is therefore suitable for all skin types: acne, dry, oily, normal and combination skin.
  • Contains no fragrances, essential oils or preservatives.

Suitable for face, body, eye area, dry and cracked heels, cuticles, as a leg cream, foot cream, hand cream, lip balm, frost cream after careful absorption, etc.

    Also suitable for animals (e.g. dog, cat, horse, cow). The cream can be used as a paw cream for cuts and sores on the skin, nipples, udders and the region around the nostrils.

      Note! The product is not suitable for people allergic to natural resins.

      More information

      Tallow has a skin-identical fatty acid profile:

        Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are in a 1:1 ratio and they offer help in strengthening your skin's protective wall at the cellular level, e.g. eczema and rosacea.

        Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) prevents skin damage, is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Oleic acid is a good aid for deep moisturizing, helping other nutrients to be absorbed deeper into your skin and supporting the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, skin irritation, redness and inflammation.

        Stearic acid supports the renewal processes of your skin, increases skin elasticity and strengthens the function of the skin's protective wall.

        Palmitoleic acid is one of the most important building blocks of your skin, the amount of which decreases as the skin ages.

        Palmitic acid helps your skin stay soft and protective, and its amount also decreases as the skin ages.

        Tallow contains fat-soluble vitamins in natural form

          Animal-derived retinol is the most usable form of vitamin A for your skin.

          Synthetic retinol derivatives and plant-derived beta-carotene cannot replace the natural bioactive form of animal-derived retinol.



          Vitamin A or retinol is e.g. necessary for the regeneration of your skin cells and the formation of collagen. In skin care, it is known to promote the formation of epithelial cells, smooth lines, lighten liver spots, reduce hyperpigmentation, soothe acne, reduce enlarged skin pores, balance sebum secretion, support the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduce skin thinning and increase skin softness, elasticity and youthfulness. A lack of vitamin A can show up in your skin, for example, as a certain type of acne, keratosis pilaris (overgrowth of layers of horny skin) symptoms and premature wrinkling of the skin.

          Vitamin D is actually a hormone that your skin makes with the help of sunlight (UVB). Vitamin D maintains the vitality of your skin, prevents and soothes inflammation, protects and promotes cell regeneration. In addition, it causes the expression of antimicrobial peptide genes in your skin and thus plays a significant role in the prevention of inflammation. Due to weakened immunity, vitamin D deficiency can manifest as a weakening of your skin's protective barrier, increased dryness and increased susceptibility to infections such as acne, psoriasis, eczema and rosacea.

          Vitamin K accelerates the natural healing process of various skin damages, wounds and bruises. It has been studied to have beneficial effects when used in cosmetics to fade dark circles and lines, as a supportive treatment for varicose veins, and to improve skin elasticity.

          Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and its role in your skin is to maintain the structure of the cell membrane and protect the fatty acids in the cells from oxidation. It has been found e.g. prevent the breakdown of collagen, neutralize the effect of free radicals and reduce oxidative stress, which are linked to premature aging and skin damage. Vitamin E deficiency can appear on your skin as normal skin dryness, inflammation of oily skin and pimples. Thus, vitamin E increases the youthfulness and elasticity of your skin and strengthens its role in protecting the body.

          Tallow is the perfect help for acne skin!

          Acne is often caused by a retinol deficiency, which is treated with synthetic retinol derivatives. The microbes in inflamed acne skin are often out of balance and would badly need the right kind of nutrition, such as sebum. Due to the effect of acne medications, the microbiome of your skin does not get the right kind of nutrition, so they start to produce different metabolites, which actually cause inflammation and an imbalance in your skin that also manifests as acne.

          For this reason, tallow is an excellent product for those of you who suffer from, for example, acne or are weaning yourself off cortisone (TSW), because excessive use of glucocorticoids (cortisone, acne medications, retinoids, etc.) exposes you to retinol deficiency.

          Animal-derived retinol is the most usable form of vitamin A for your skin.

          Synthetic retinol derivatives and plant-derived beta-carotene cannot replace the natural bioactive form of animal-derived retinol.


          Store at room temperature, protected from light.

          The product is a fresh product without preservatives, so please avoid moisture coming into contact with tallow. You can help the cream last longer by always taking it with clean and dry hands. If it's hot, you can store tallow cream in the refrigerator.

          • The product can be used for at least 6 months after opening.
          • An unopened jar is usable for approx. 12 months from the date of manufacture.

          Ingredients: Domestic organic beef tallow, MCT oil, domestic Spruce pitch 10% and vitamin E.

          Ingredients: Adeps Bowis, Capric Triglyceride, Picea Abies Wood Extract 10%, Tocopherol.

          Note! Not suitable for people allergic to natural resins.


          Customer Reviews

          Based on 24 reviews
          Heidi K
          Kuivan ihon pelastus

          Talivoide pelasti minun kuivan ja kiristelevän 30+ ihoni. Olin kokeillut valtavan määrän erilaisia voiteita, seerumeita ja kasvovesiä, mutta ihoni jäi aina joko kiristelevän tuntuiseksi tai sitten öljy vain istui ihollani imeytymättä kunnolla. Talivoide rauhoitti heti ihoani eikä levittämisen jälkeen tulee kertaakaan tarvetta lisätä voidetta, sillä ihon pinta jää luonnollisen kosteutetun ja ravitun tuntuiseksi. Parin viikon käytön jälkeen ihossa ei ollut enää lainkaan hilseileviä kohtia ja iho voi paremmin kuin pitkään aikaan. Voide on todella riittoisa ja sitä tulee helposti otettua liikaa, kun on tottunut läträämään rasvalla. Ihan pieni nokare riittää, sillä se sulaa iholle. Parasta on, että voiteessa on vain muutamaa luonnollista ainesosaa. Suosittelen lämpimästi kaikille iho-ongelmien kanssa kamppaileville, varsinkin kuivaihoisille! Itse ostan varmaan seuraavaksi hajusteettoman version, vaikka tässä voiteessa pihkan tuoksu on kyllä hyvin mieto.


          - Koostumus aivan ihana; kermavaahtomainen
          -Imeytyy hyvin eikä tahraa
          - Tuoksusta aivan kaikki perhernjäsenet eivät pitäneet
          -Mikä parasta niin tämä voide tekee taikoja atooppiselle iholle!

          Veikko-Juhani Tervo
          Huippu rasva

          Aivan mahtava rasva. Tilaan jatkossa. Naama näyttää todella mahtavalta. Sopii myös käsirasvaksi.

          Mariaa-Riitta Petäjäsuvanto
          Talikeijo, talipihkavoide

          Ihan huippu tuote, mulla on punajäkäläihottumaa ,ollut jo useita vuosia. Olen kokeillut siihen kaiken laista voidetta, mutta kun aloin käyttämään talikeijoa säännöllisesti/voitelen illalla ihottumakohdat/niin yllätys, yllätys! Ihoni on nyt huomattavasti paremmassa kunnossa. Siis voin suositella muillekin. Kiitos tästä ihanasta löydöstä

          Merja Ritaranta
          Nimi naurattaa joka päivä!

          Hyvä voide! Ostin nimen takia (ja luomuuden).
          Hajusta en tykkää mutta ei se haittaa.


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