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Facial cleansing – 3 working skin care tips that many people don´t know about

Posted by Hanna Savioja on
Kasvojen puhdistus – 3 toimivaa ihonhoidon hifistelijän vinkkiä, joita ei moni tiedä

The care and moisturizing of healthy facial skin starts with cleansing the skin. Clean skin is also more receptive to care products and you get the most out of them. Excessive cleansing, on the other hand, may dry out the skin, and it is more difficult to make corrections with moisturizing ingredients. We put together a list of tips to support your skincare routine.

You should check your facial cleansing routine according to your life situation and the seasons. What works in the summer may not work in the winter. The skin also changes with age and hormonal cycles. Hormonal acne may break out in many people only in their 30s, and skin cleansing routines that worked earlier may only make the situation worse. At this point, the finger also went into the mouth of the undersigned.

It is not recommended to use regular soap to wash your face. It does clean the skin, but it is usually too strong for facial skin. Choose specifically a facial soap whose raw materials and their ratios are designed for facial cleansing. Even in natural bar soaps, there are huge differences.

In general, detergents containing industrial surfactants should be avoided when cleaning the face. In the product description, sulfates are identified by the names Sodium laureth sulfate and Sodium lauryl sulfatate. The higher they are listed in the ingredient list, the cleaner the product is. Unfortunately, there are quite a few sulfate-free products available in markets.

1. Only clean your face in the evening

Contrary to what is advised in many guides, routine washing of the skin in the morning and evening is not necessary. This often just creates a cycle for the use of many skin care products. The more you do, the more you fix. Schedule a more effective cleansing for the evening and carefully wash off make-up and accumulated impurities from the skin before going to bed. Layer toner, serum and face cream on clean skin. Offer the most effective and moisturizing products to nourish your skin just in the evening. This way you get the most out of the skin's nightly renewal and also from valuable products.

In the morning, you should at most wipe your face with a cotton pad/cotton pad moistened with face water. During the night, the skin also secretes sebum. This skin's best own moisturizer should not be underestimated and try to get rid of it, but rather nurture and support its balancing effect. Fat, i.e. sebum, is part of the skin's important protective mantle (hydrolipid film).

2. Choose a cleaning product according to the dirtiness of the skin

Instead of blindly following this advice, knowing and monitoring your own skin is your most important tool. The truth is that the majority of people do not know their own skin type - often dry skin or skin that gets oily quickly is only caused by the wrong products. No skin type likes skin cleansing products that are too washing.

  • Cleansing with oil: Try this if your skin is extremely dry and sensitive or you are at a loss when choosing products. There are really big differences in cleansing milks and gels, and if you don't know the inci names on the ingredient list and their function, oil is a good choice. It suits everyone.
  • Oil cleansing is suitable for all skin types and, contrary to popular belief, it is also excellent for oily skin. Skin that gets greasy quickly can be caused by an overly effective and drying product. Most of the cleansers in the market contain strong washing industrial surfactants, which are the originator of many skin problems. The skin is wise and tries to balance the moisture stripped from the skin (sebum) by accelerating sebum production (when the surface of the skin is dry, the sebum cannot get out and blockages and impurities start to appear).
  • Good oils for skin cleansing: Calendula & Oat Treatment oil, cold-pressed coconut oil, olive oil, hemp oil, apricot stone oil, castor oil (max 20% when mixed with another oil. Castor oil is an effective cleanser and drying in too high a concentration). Whenever possible, always choose cold-pressed and organic oil.

Asiakaspalaute Kehäkukka & Kaura Hoitoöljystä:
Hellävarainen meikinpoistaja! Poistaa vedenkestävätkin meikit tehokkaasti, mutta samalla ihoa hoitava! Kiva myös esim hiuksille tai kasvovoiteen sekaan. Tosi hyvän tuntuinen kasvoilla. Käytän tuotetta about joka toinen päivä, on riittoisaa ja kesti n. 2 kuukautta käytössä! 

  • Cleansing with face soap and effective make-up removal: Kolmen's face soaps contain a large part of their mass with sea salt. That, together with carefully selected skin care oils, make these soaps work for many skin types. Even heavy make-up comes off the skin easily with the help of facial soap. First rub the make-up into motion with the oil and finally wash off the impurities with the face soap. This two-step cleansing is often more effective and gentler than using an emulsifying cleansing oil alone.

    Kasvosaippuan sisältämä merisuola saa iholla aikaan osmoottisen paineen, jolloin ihon sisemmistä kerroksista nousee kosteutta pintaan. Vaikutuksen huomaa usein n. kahden viikon käytön jälkeen. Kasvosaippuat ovat merisuolan ansiosta kivikovia, kuivuvat nopeasti ja lisäksi todella riittoisia. Säästät pitkän pennin vaihtamalla nestemäiset kasvojen puhdistustuotteet palaan.

Asiakaspalaute Kasvosaippua Sensitive:

"Puhdistava saippua. Tämä saippua puhdistaa hyvin ja on ihanan pehmeä. Ei ärsytä ihoa. Itselläni on erittäin herkkä ja punoittava iho ja tämä saippua sopii erinomaisesti atoopikolle."

Asiakakokemus: Kasvosaippua Teepuuöljy & Aktiivihiili

"Loistava tuote! Tilasin aktiivihiili&teepuusaippuan kokeiluun,aiemmin oli ollut käytössä pelkkä teepuusaippua. Leukaan alkanut aikuis-iällä ilmaantua joka kk hormoninäppyjä ja mustapäitä nenässä,muuten hyvä iho. Nyt käytössä toinen saippua ja tehon huomasi jo ekan palan kohdalla! Hormoninäpyt ovat vähentyneet reilusti ja ne yksi tai kaksi mitkä pintaan asti edes pääsevät,paranevat huiman nopeasti!
Todella positiivinen yllätys tämä saippua! 😍 ja mitä mustapäihin tulee,nekin tuntuvat lähtevän pois melkein itsestään. Ihan kuin saippuapesu nostaisi niitä ihosta ylös."

  • Meikittömän ihon puhdistus:
    Ihon puhdistustapa kannattaa valita ennenkaikkea sen mukaan, onko iholla jotain puhdistettavaa. Meikittöminä päivinä kannattaa iho puhdistaa mahdollisimman miedosti ja säästää ihoa turhalta rasitukselta.

    Puhdistusmaitopulveri Kaurasilkki sopii vähämeikkisille/meikittömille päiville. Sen hellävarainen puhdistusteho perustuu betaglukaania ja luonnollisia saponiineja sisältävään kauraan ja ihoa kuorivaan valkoiseen kaoliinisaveen.

  • Myös pelkällä kasvovedellä pyyhkiminen riittää hyvin jos iho ei ole kovin likainen. Ruusuvettä sisältävä Pure is Beautyn Rose Mist sopii herkälle iholle, Koivunmahlaa, hyaluronihappua ja pakuriuutetta sisältävä Birch Sap Mist tehokosteutukseen ja Pajunkuorta sisältävä Berry Mist kirkastamaan ja pehmentämään epäpuhdasta ja ikääntyvää ihoa.

 3. Cleanse by moisturizing

Many people don't know this, but the best way to clean the skin is to let it do it itself. Healthy and moisturized skin breathes and pushes impurities out of the skin itself. You can support and enable this with these two must-have products:

  • Use face water. Choose a face lotion that contains glycerin, hyaluronic acid or another skin moisturizing ingredient. Note! Micellar water is not the same as face water! Micellar water is designed for cleansing the skin and face water for moisturizing. After cleansing, always spray the facial toner on damp skin and leave it on the skin. NOTE! Add face cream while the skin is still damp from the face wash.
  • Get a face oil or oil serum that contains BHA acids. BHA acids are known, e.g. In removing blackheads and stubborn impurities. Calendula naturally contains BHA acids and you will find plenty of it in this oil serum.

Asiakaspalaute: Vitamiini Öljyseerumi Raaka Kehäkukka 30ml

"Sain seerumin testiin ennakkoon ja voin suositella sitä lämpimästi! Ihan parhaita öljyseerumeita, joita olen kokeillut! Kahden viikon aikana ihoni väri on tasoittunut ja saanut tervettä hehkua. Ajatettelin seerumilla olevan vain ihoa kosteuttavia ominaisuuksia, mutta sivussa ihon epäpuhtaudet ovat vähentyneet ja näppylöitä ei ole ilmestynyt tämän käytön aloittamisen jälkeen."

 BHA-happoja sisältävä kehäkukka kasvoöljy pitää epäpuhtaudet poissa ja tekee ihosta kimmoisan

Here are a few extra tips to help your skin feel better:

  • Always wash with lukewarm/warm water. Do not use hot water as it will dissolve the beneficial sebum from the surface of the skin and dry out your skin.
  • Change the pillowcase regularly, it collects dirt quickly.
  • Always apply face cream with clean hands.
  • Exfoliate your skin a few times a month. If you notice that the skin does not absorb skin care products and looks cloudy and lifeless - it's time to peel it. Try this organic cleansing sorbet that balances sebum production.





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